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The Power Of Sea Glass

Katrina Lucas

Handmade Irish Sea Glass Jewellery
The power of Sea Glass

Sea glass hunting has become a part of my life over the last few years. At the start it was something I did with the kids when we were on the beach together but so many years on I also take time to go by myself and hunt.

Not because I don't want to go with the kids but because I find it very calming. Looking down on the sand while listening to the waves crash on the shore, is the best sound, I can forget everything else that has been clogging up my brain and focus. Finding the sea glass (especially those rare colours) gives me a sense of achievement. Rubbing the sea glass is very therapeutic, the smoothness and curved rounded shape feels very powerful.

Power of Sea Glass Jewellery, sustainable Irish sea glass, KL jewellery designs
The power of Sea Glass

Sea glass takes many years of being tumbled by the waves and washed with the salt water to give these properties, so why shouldn't it feel powerful? I believe each piece has lots of this energy stored up inside ready to transfer to us.

For all these reasons I find sea glass powerful but my strongest feeling which I get from sea glass is the connection it gives me to the sea, my favourite place, the place where I am me, I just need to touch my necklace or rub my ring and I can feel it..............Now that is the power of Sea Glass!

Handmade Irish sea glass jewellery made from recycled gold, KL jewellery designs
Sea Glass, Keeping You Connected

I would love to know if you have any item which gives you that powerful feeling of connection.

If you would like to follow my sea glass journey why not follow mw on IG here and/or FB here.

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Stay safe, and always sparkle!

Katrina xx


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