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The power of nature inspired jewellery.....

Katrina Lucas

Happy Monday my friends and last week of March. I’m looking forward to my Spring wardrobe, I don’t know about you but getting my big aran jumpers put away along with my thermals always brings a smile to my face. It is like I can imagine the sun in my face with that light spring breeze, smelling the new flowers as I go for a walk!

Over the last year this has been very important. Getting outside in the fresh air and trying to brush off the feeling of restrictions. I kinda think that when I sum up covid that will be the first word that comes to mind...... restrictions. But then I have to remember that even though we were restricted in our movements and who we visited or met up with, we were able to go out into the fresh air. May it just have been our gardens or a walk around the block or if we were really lucky a walk to the local park. Being outside helped save my sanity and as I watched the flowers and leaves grow it always reminded me of life and hope!

These feelings kept me grounded and optimistic that life will feel normal again. But you know what? I got a lot more than that. I created a bigger love for the outdoors (I’ve always been an outdoors person so I didn’t think this was even on the cards), my kids felt like they became adventurers, as a family we created many memories of not only family time but what it means to be outdoors for our own mental health. These memories help me feel calm and dare I say it at this moment in time but also happy. Yes we are living in a pandemic and I’m happy!! We like others (everyone really) have come across our fair share of troubles during this time but I can look back and say we made the most of it by being in it together and getting outdoors!

I will never underestimate the power of Nature and Mother Earth again! I vow to keep myself surrounded as much as possible with outdoors when life does return to normal. How? Well the outdoors feels like it is a given right? But when we get back to full classes and schedules It can be hard to fit it in unless it is scheduled in…so that is what I will do, schedule it in every week. I will also wear reminders, from shirts with flowers or any nature inspired theme (it could just be the colours that remind me of nature) to my jewellery. My sea glass jewellery is my go to at present as it is so smooth and just rubbing it alone gives me comfort (the romantic in me believes it is all the stored up energy from its many years being tumbled by the waves and it’s transferring it to me to give me strength), or I love to wear leaves and flowers or bees they all hold so many wonderful memories of being outdoors and keeping me connected.

If you don’t have any nature inspired jewellery but feel like yes, you could also do with holding these memories close or maybe you know a friend that could do with this reminder. Then please do check out my nature collection here.

Well, that's all for this week folks, I hope you get outside a lot this week and feel the joy that nature brings. With the change in the clocks and the brighter nights, It really is easier now to spend more time outdoors.

If you would like to stay connected with us and see what we get up to behind the scenes then please do follow us on IG here. To be the first to find out about any new offers (there is one coming very soon) and collections then sign up to my newsletter (bottom of page) you also get 10% off with your first order as a thankyou.

Until next week, stay safe, keep communicating and always sparkle!

Katrina xx


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