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Sea Glass Jewellery That Calms!

Katrina Lucas

Let sea glass jewellery give you that calming affect you need during times of anxiety. Lots of positive energy transference.
Wear jewellery that calms....sea glass jewellery!

Happy Monday my friends. We are into autumn now and yes I love it, the leaves changing colour and those crisp walks plus the Halloween festivities then Christmas, what’s not to love, right? But this year autumn is leading into a stressful time at home with the eldest doing her transfer tests – 4 Saturday’s in a row from November to December. Plus the run up to Christmas….if you believe everything you are hearing in the news then Northern Ireland is going to struggle getting food and gifts. Talk about adding to the stress of what can already be a stressful time. Not to mention the last couple of years with Covid! Ok if you weren’t feeling slightly anxious maybe you are now? I apologise!

Let sea glass jewellery give you that calming affect you need during times of anxiety. Lots of positive energy transference.
Sea glass hunting by the beach - calming for the soul!

Are you by nature an anxious person or is it recent? Has the last couple of years changed how you cope with life? I was definitely more relaxed before Covid but once life closed down, then opened up then closed down then opened up again I can tell you I feel very mixed emotions. I’m hoping there will be no more closing down of society as I can feel some of the lasting effects of the last two lockdowns, even driving in heavy traffic causes me stress whereas before I found it was nice to take time to listen to music for an extra ten minutes and avoid the chores lol.

So what can we do about it? Well getting outdoors is amazing, going for a walk especially in a wooded area surrounded by nature or my special place the coast. These places definitely help lower my anxiety. But unless your workplace is right next to such places and you can just drop everything and take that time out when needed then you need a backup, something that can help you take those deep breaths and connect you to that place of calm.

Let sea glass jewellery give you that calming affect you need during times of anxiety. Lots of positive energy transference.
Sea glass jewellery....calming!

Over the first lockdown I started making my first sea glass jewellery as we had loads of sea glass from our coastal walks and more importantly we really loved the feel of them, they are so very smooth and well rubbing them is very calming. Making the jewellery had helped me to stay connected to those beach trips when we were restricted with journeys due to lockdown which in itself, I found calming.

Of course the first pieces I made I had to wear to ensure their durability…you know one of the great things about being a jeweller is being the first to test the merchandise lol. But I discovered way more than what I was expecting. Not only did the sea glass look amazing on, I also noticed that one day when I could feel my anxiety creeping in I started to rub my necklace and automatically started to feel calmer. I think the smoothness is very therapeutic, just rubbing that sea glass did something very calming to me. I like to think that each piece of sea glass has all this stored up energy from its many years of being tumbled by the waves and with every little rub that energy is transferred to you. This energy has such a positive affect on my mood and it helps me stay connected with my favourite place when I can’t get there.

Let sea glass jewellery give you that calming affect you need during times of anxiety. Lots of positive energy transference.
Calming sea glass jewellery.

If you are in need of that extra calming affect then why not try out some sea glass jewellery. There are lots of different designs out there. I find my necklace or ring the most affective for me but for you it could be earrings or a bracelet. Maybe you know someone that can maybe benefit from some calming jewellery then why not send them this link or surprise them with their very own sea glass jewellery. If you can get outdoors why not go sea glass hunting yourself or with a loved one, I guarantee you will enjoy it, then you will have your very own pieces which you can carry with you to rub at any time!

Well that’s all for this week folks, I hope you enjoyed today’s blog and will tune in again next week.

If you would like to see what happens at KL jewellery designs daily, then please do follow me on IG here and FB here. IF you would like to be a part of my FB group ‘For the love of jewellery with Katrina Lucas’ click here. Finally, if you would like to be the first to hear about any offers I have or new collections/classes then please do sign up for my newsletter, you get 10% off with your first order and if it’s not for you, you can cancel it at any time.

Until next week, stay safe, keep communicating and always sparkle.

Katrina xx


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