Happy last week of October my friends. We have been very lucky getting out and about into the fresh air helping us stay active and for me especially, motivated and refreshed!
Today I would like to share with you all my new addition to my packaging. As you all know I have rebranded this year. I got a new logo and new style which involved some new colours. But one of the things I struggled with is that I had lots of boxes left over from my old brand colours (now I still love these boxes, they are vibrant and strong). I am a very big believer in sustainability and I think the biggest wastage is the items we don’t use. So, bearing this in mind I have decided to keep my old boxes to put my jewellery in until I run out of them (at which stage I will invest in some new boxes). But I also wanted to bridge the gap with my colours so I invested in new jewellery bags with my logo.

Well what do you think? Are you loving these as much as I am? They have arrived in perfect time for Christmas too. The earring boxes and smaller necklace boxes fit nicely inside these bags. I always recommend that the jewellery you buy should ideally stay inside the boxes when not being worn. So, what can you so with the jewellery bags? Well you could use them in your handbag to keep little things in like coins/keys/lipstick. They are great little bags that can be repurposed. The girlies have been eyeing them up just for this reason, one wants one for her rubbers (because at 8 years of age you have a lot of these), my 9 year old hasn’t quite decided what she wants hers for yet lol.
The bags are made from a cotton linen mix. I have read that if an item is made from natural materials and you are finished with it and that it’s life has come to an end (beyond usable) then you can bury it in your garden and ideally the soil and it’s bugs will do their thing, it will decompose! So, my husband has allowed me to use a small space in our garden to try this out. I will check it again in 3 month’s time then again in 6 month’s time from today’s date. I will keep you posted on this.

Also did you know that the envelope that I post out your smaller jewellery boxes in can go straight in the compost bin? Yes that’s right it is compostable too. The material I use to protect the box within the envelope is also compostable. This is great news, another step in the right direction. The only part I have left to work out is the padding inside my boxes. They unfortunately have to go in the general waste bin when finished (or if you have kids, use them in some arts and crafts) but once my boxes are finished I will indeed be researching how to make the padding more environmentally friendly so watch this space. My current boxes can be recycled when needed, and my current business cards are made from off-cuts from cotton t-shirts.

With Christmas being so close I have been working on ways to wrap gifts more environmentally friendly, I will be offering gift wrapping for Christmas as part of my service but if you want to learn more about this yourself then sign up to my newsletter as in November I will have a few Christmas themed emails coming out, such as eco-wrapping, sustainable gifts both physical and experiences (also if you follow me on pinterest then I have boards dedicated to this @katrinalucasjewellery). Plus, after the success of last years 12 days of Christmas newsletter offers I’ve decided to do these again. They start on the 1st of December.
Well guys I think that is it for today, I would love to get some feedback in the comments below on your thoughts of the new addition to my packing, what you think of my efforts with my sustainability and do you think I’m weird burying one of my bags??? Don’t forget to sign up for my newsletters to be the first to hear of any offers and new collections coming out, not to mention the free Christmas wrapping and gift guides plus the 12 days of Christmas offers.
Stay tuned for next week as there is a very exciting joint giveaway coming your way.
Until then stay safe and keep sparkling.
Katrina xx