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Jewellery making, good for the soul!

Katrina Lucas

Why Jewellery making is good for mental health.
Jewellery Making, Good For The Soul!

We all know getting outdoors is great for mind and body but what if the weather isn’t agreeable or you're unable to get out and about due to health reasons or commitments? Well crafts may be your answer. There are loads out there to choose from but for me it’s jewellery making. I first started jewellery making when I moved to a new city, it was a way to meet new people. I got the jewellery bug straight away. My first course was a 6 week course with one class a week. It was full of likeminded people, we all clicked straight away and I found those two hours left me feeling very relaxed and chilled. The time passed in the blink of an eye and I found that I was really looking forward to my next class so when it ended I started looking for other jewellery courses. Now 11 years on I still attend courses but I also teach classes myself from my studio.

When life can feel tough and overwhelming, we need a distraction, something to take our mind of what’s bothering us or causing our low mood. Jewellery making can do that, you settle down to make and you just get lost in the process. Before you know it, a couple of hours have passed and you’ve made yourself or someone else something pretty to wear. You feel a sense of achievement and not only are you feeling proud but the creativity has left you feeling chilled and relaxed.

De-stress making jewellery,Belfast school of jewellery
de-stress making jewellery

I work from home and it can feel very isolating. I wish I could say running my own jewellery business is 90% making and 10% admin. However for me it’s closer to 50/50 on a good day. Which is why I run jewellery classes, it’s good for me to be interacting with like minded people and the craic in the class is something else! We all feel lighter after and everyone goes home with beautiful creations they made themselves. People think you need to be very creative to make jewellery but actually that’s not true. When you tend a class you are shown a technique and you put your own spin on it…like shape/texture/colour. One of the hardest parts of the beading process is actually picking your beads because there are so many beautiful beads on the market lol. At the end of every class everyone has made their piece to their style and that is so wonderful, every piece is unique as the creator and beautiful. One of the most common comments I hear at the end of the classes is how people can’t believe how quickly the time has flown by followed by I can’t believe I made this.

Let's make jewellery, Belfast school of jewellery
Let's make jewellery

If attending a class isn’t for you but you’d like to try to do it by yourself you can always buy jewellery kits, they come with step by step instructions and all materials.

If your struggling a bit with life and looking to de-stress, I hope you give jewellery making a go. It’s relaxing and leaves you feeling chilled not to mention you get gorgeous new jewellery at the end giving you a reason to maybe get out with your friends!

If you live in the Belfast area and are looking to try jewellery making then you can check out my classes here. I will be adding more variety of classes soon and if you would like to be the first to hear about them then please do sign up for my newsletter (bottom of the page). If you would like to see what happens here daily, then why not check out our IG account and FB page!

Until next time, stay safe, keep talking and always sparkle!

Katrina xx


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