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How to sparkle at your zoom party this Christmas…..

Katrina Lucas

Hello my friends, we are now halfway through November and is anyone talking Christmas zoom parties yet? I think one thing is for certain this Christmas, we won’t be meeting up in our normal large gatherings. As depressing as this feels I know we just have to make the most of it and I’m optimistic that next year we will be back on track to our normal Christmas (vaccine dependant). So, I say let’s throw ourselves fully into this new and unusual one, let’s make the most of it, embrace this new Christmas. You never know, you may end up making a new tradition for yourself!

We need to talk about outfits….I normally get at least four or five times during this period where I get to dress up. I’m a dress person, I love a little black or red dress during the festive period. But if I’m being honest, I’ve got used to being casual, I’m normally in my jeans. Recently I was going into town with the girlies on a pre-birthday shopping trip for Mollie and Maisie asked could I wear a skirt with boots, not my hiking shoes or trainers. Maybe you have a picture of how I’m normally looking these days. I’ve realised I need to make more of an effort. Especially since this is the time of year that I make the most of my wardrobe.

I think it is inevitable that I will be having some zoom talks with my family, who live a few hours’ drive away or with other people that I would normally meet up with during this time for dinner and drinks. So, I’ve decided I will make that effort and the dresses will appear. Will you be having the inevitable zoom party too with those that you normally see but won’t this year? Will you embrace what is now your normal attire of comfy clothes or will you dress for the occasion? Maybe you will be sneaky and just dress up from the waist up (keeping you pj/tracksuit bottoms on), just be careful with this one, as you may be having such a good time you don’t want to leave the chat, but what happens if you need to get up for a toilet break or to pour yourself another drink, maybe you end up playing a dare game which will involve a little dancing? That could be awkward lol! But I guess it will make it memorable and be a story to be told in future years of your Covid Christmas party!

That is the clothes outta the way, what about sparkle? For those that know me well, know I love sparkle especially at Christmas time? My clothes tend to be more muted so my jewellery can make the statement. I tend to do this with beautiful dangly earrings and sometimes mix it with pearls to add the old Hollywood glamour look. I can help with this, I have a selection of classic sparkly earrings and pearl jewellery, both using recycled silver or filled gold jewellery. Do come and check out my collections.

For those of you that will be having a Christmas jumper zoom party I have a small selection of festive jewellery…. Christmas trees, snowman and a stag. The beauty of these pieces is not only are they made using recycled fine silver, but they can be used year after year and will still look fabulous!

Well I hope todays blog has got you thinking about your Christmas parties, even if it was to help persuade you not to decline an invitation. Embrace the changes this, I feel we all need to keep our spirits up and try and go with the flow. Christmas will happen with restrictions this year, but it is up to each of us to make the most of it and bring others along for the ride if we can.

That is all for today, I will have another blog later in the week about eco-gifting so do stay keep an eye out for that. I will also be doing my 12 days of Christmas offers like last year (starting the first of Dec) via my newsletter only, so if you’re interested please do sign up now. If you want to see daily updates and some behind the scenes footage, then do follow me on Instagram (link at bottom of the page) I’d love to have you there with me.

Until my next post, stay safe and keep sparkling.

Katrina xx


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