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Here are my autumn jewellery picks.....

Katrina Lucas

Happy Monday my friends, what are you up to this week?

If you are not living in Northern Ireland, you may not be aware that we are on a circuit breaker, which means most services have had to close, including schools. The schools are supposed to only close for two weeks and then review, everywhere else is 4 weeks. When I told the kids Maisie was on the verge of tears and Mollie said ‘I don’t want to be off for two weeks’, she was the one that loved lock down and didn’t want to go back to school! However, I realised it is the uncertainty of it all. She knows there is a possibility that everything may stay closed for longer. Damage control was needed so I have been looking at what is open and available. Thankfully outdoor adventure areas are still going, so I have a few plans, plus our normal outdoor activities. Then Mollie said she would like to do a video for her favourite pieces from my jewellery collections. So if you follow me on IG then come check that out later this week. I suspect she will come up with a few more video ideas before the school holiday is up!

Mollie’s suggestion is what sparked todays blog title. We are very big into getting out and connecting with nature. During school time we really try and get out at least once during the weekend. Yesterday was our first autumn walk where there was such a contrast in colour, the leaves are in full force of turning from green to yellows, oranges, reds and brown, it is such a sight. When was the last time you ran through crunchy leaves? Well I did it yesterday and I felt years younger – for a short time anyway lol. I recommend it if you haven’t done it yet, get out there and take in the beautiful colours then just let yourself be. Then run through the leaves, come back and tell me how you felt!

Connecting with nature has never felt as strong for me as it has this year, I know I’m not the only one. Normally over autumn we get our fair share of rain, this isn’t such a problem as there is always other things to do, plus we walk to school every morning which involves a lot of green and trees with their fallen leaves – helps the kids feel calm before going into school. However, with longer school closures and services closing, being able to get out is important and nature is always on my mind. So this has influenced my autumn jewellery picks this year………..

My first pick is the Midnight Owl, I love this piece for both the really deep colour of the pearls, it just reminds me of cosy nights by the fire looking out at the deep blue sky, I love the owl as I find them mysterious creatures and I just like to imagine there is some locally flying around at night, toowit toowoo!

Next is my Fern Studs, I love ferns, not 100% sure what it is, maybe the unfurling when they start to come back in spring time and their very vibrant green colour? There is a place called ‘Bloody Bridge’ that is completely covered in these. One side is the ocean and the other is Ferns, when I’m there I feel like I could be anywhere is the world, I find peace here (I recommend a visit if you can, you won’t be disappointed). The ferns come out of the studs and you can run your fingers along the fronds – which I find soothing!

The sea is my go to place when I really need that me time, time to find myself after a difficult period in my life but it is also a place where I have lots of fun with the kids, watching them run about in the sand looking for crabs or sea glass and shells. Plus who doesn’t love jumping waves?? That’s why Starfish Wishes is on my list. It is harder to get to the sea over autumn and winter so this is my way of helping you stay connected, the star fish will help keep your wishes alive and the teal sea glass will remind you of those summer days. I also find sea glass soothing; its very smooth texture encourages rubbing and calm!

Now for me when I think of autumn, I also think of golden hues, so I just had to add some gold pieces into my favourites.

My fist one is the ‘Golden Pearl Choker’ which is light weight and being a choker can be seen while wearing most tops. The next one is my dangle earrings, in case you are wearing that chunky jumper with a high neck and you feel a necklace is not going to cut it but you still want a statement, these drop are it. The ‘Sunset Drops’ have beautiful gold and pink pearls!

Well I really hope you enjoyed reading my top picks from my collections. I would love to hear which is your favourite… maybe you have a different idea for autumn jewellery, please let me know in the comments below. Don’t forget to tune into my IG account later in the week the find out the girl’s top picks as well (IG@katrinalucasjewellerydesigns).

Well that’s all this week folks, if you want to keep up to date with any offers and new collections then please sign up for my newsletter, it comes out every week, but from November I will also be adding some extra newsletters giving some tips for sustainable Christmas wrapping and different ways in which we can give more meaningful gifts this Christmas. Plus I will have my 12 days of Christmas newsletters which involves a different offer each day, not to mention you get 10% discount when you sign up initially, sound good? Then sign up now.

Until next week, stay safe and chat soon.

Katrina xx


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