Happy Monday my friends and last day of the summer. Did you have a sweltering last week? We managed to fit in a beach trip, hill walking and a picnic. It was great and I do feel ready to for the change of the seasons, who’s with me on this one? I love layering up the clothes getting my boots on and having a walk in the crisp autumn air. I also love at night just looking at the moon and the stars, something that rarely happens for me during the summer months.
It is around this time that I start updating my collection in time for autumn and dare I say it ….. Christmas time. So I was just looking at my new pieces and thought it was time for a giveaway. So I have picked this little cat sitting on the moon – made with recycled fine silver and hanging on a sterling silver chain.
To enter all you have to do is follow me on IG (IG@katrinalucasjewellerydesigns or click photo), and follow the instructions on todays post, it's that simple, offer ends midnight on Thursday the 24th of September.
Well this is a quick little blog today, but I hope you agree it was worth the read? I hope you have an amazing week and I will check in again next week. As always if you want to be the first to hear about any offers or giveaways then sign up to my newsletter – you also get 10% off on initial signup.
Until next week folks.
Katrina xx