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What to do with your beach finds...

Katrina Lucas

Learn how to make beach art with sea glass and shells. You can make turtle sea glass to Christmas trees made from sea glass
Sea glass and shell turtle art frames plus more

Happy Mid July, the sun is out here and I’ve been spending time at the beach with the girlies. Do you remember being a little child and collecting lots of shells, a pretty piece of wood and if you were lucky some sea glass (I’ve only discovered this as an adult and being at the beach with my kids).

Did you ever do anything with your finds? If you were like me the answer would be no…I guess everything ended up in the bin? Which is really sad!

Are you out at the beach with your kids or maybe grandkids this summer (or any time of the year)? Had a fantastic day and really don’t want to forget it, you want to keep those memories alive not just for yourself but the kids too.

What can you do with your beach finds?

At this stage in my life I’m at the beach a lot with the kids. The sea glass we collect gets used for both my jewellery but also to make sea glass frames for gifts. All you need for this is some deep frames (we got ours from IKEA) sea glass/shells and a little design plus glue. To date we’ve mostly made framed sea glass Christmas trees and also a penguin at Christmas time. We have also made some turtles using both shells and sea glass, we also painted the background in this one (these are hanging up in the kids rooms).

Easy to make driftwood and shell windchime and driftwood tealight holder, plus other beach crafts.
Driftwood crafts for all

A favourite of mine to make is driftwood wind chimes, for this we used shells but you could also use sea glass instead or both together. All you need is a drill to drill holes through the drift wood (optional as you can just wrap and secure the twine around the driftwood with a knot) and shells/sea glass then some good garden twine or jute (using something natural that will decompose if buried in the ground is ideal). The amount of sea glass and shells that you will need really just depends on preference and how long you would like it to hang. I used 5 strands which had four shells in each with the middle being the longest and the outer ones the shortest. We hung ours in the garden and the sound of the shells in the gentle breeze is lovely and calming!

Another great idea is using driftwood as a tea light holder. Perfect for those warm summer evenings sitting outside and having a glass of vino. Also handy enough if you want to go sit at the beach and add an extra romantic vibe! For this all you need is a wide enough piece of driftwood for the t-lights (number of tea-lights will depend on your wood length and preference) a 1 ¼ inch drill bit plus the drill and your tea lights. One thing to think about is the surface you will be sitting the driftwood on, as the first one I made I marked it out on the grass and drilled it there but when I sat it on the table it rolled a bit so it needed a little propping up lol (also the drilling can be messy so I say try and do it on top of newspaper on a day with very little wind for easy clean up)!

Sea glass makes beautiful jewellery and keeps those special summer memories arrive forever but did you also know you can use shells to form a mould and make jewellery giving you the authentic texture...
Turn your beach finds into jewellery.

Of course what I love to do the most is make jewellery from my beach finds, I have a range of sea glass pieces but I also have some sea inspired jewellery pieces too like my shell earrings which have been made by taking a mould of the shell so you know the shape and texture is authentic to your special shell from the beach.

If you would like to get your beach treasures made into jewellery so you can keep your memories close to your heart then get in contact and lets see if we can come up with a design together.

There really is so much you can do with your beach finds and I don’t want to keep you reading for too long so instead I have made a pinterest board so you can get lots more ides click here to see it. Also if you have some of your own great ideas for your beach finds please do leave a comment below and share…I love a new craft to tackle!

Well that is all for this week folks. Next week I will be back with some more so please do tune in. If you download my app onto your tablet/phone (logging on to my website will bring the link) you will be notified as soon as a new blog is released and also new products. If you would like to join my FB jewellery community page called ‘For the love of jewellery with Katrina Lucas’ please click here. To see what happens here daily then follow us on IG here and if you would like to be the first to here about any offers and new collections the please do sign up to our newsletter (bottom of the page) you will receive 10% off as a thank you.

Until next week stay safe, keep communicating and always sparkle.

Katrina xx


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