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2021 Jewellery Trends

Katrina Lucas

Happy Monday my friends. Another week into lockdown and I’m needing a massive distraction. How about you?

This should have been my first blog of 2021 but it just didn’t feel right. I’m not 100% sure now is the right time for it either? I have to say I’m not really focusing on trends with being in lockdown. I’m actually lucky if I get out of pj’s and into my tracksuit bottoms. Thank goodness for needing fresh air and the odd trip to the shop for me to put on jeans and nice top lol. The kids on the other hand are dressing up every day, some days you would think they are going to a ball. It has been very refreshing and has made me realise that not everyone is being as lazy as I am and that yes, it is time for trends!

So let’s find out what Versace, Channel and other big designers are focusing on……

Handmade beaded jewellery seems to be big for 2021, I love this as I started out making beaded jewellery and have a large stash of beads at home…maybe they will make an appearance in a collection of mine later this year too?

One style that I keep seeing over and over again is ‘beach style’ with shells and more shells. Those of you that follow me will know that the beach and the sea feature heavily in my collections. So, it may come as no surprise to you that the girls and I have already been designing some ‘beach jewellery’ ideas and doing a little collecting of shells while out collecting sea glass so watch this space.

One of my favourites has not left the scene, they are very much in vogue! Have you guessed it? Pearls … they have not gone away and to be honest I can’t imagine they ever will. Pearls look good in either their classic style as a single string or two or three strings or even with a more modern twist, mixed in with other materials such as silver and gem stones.

Big and bold jewellery is also still very much on trend for those of you that feel the need to make a statement. Neon jewels to lift the mood and big cuffs to add bling. I also spotted single statement earring….yes earring not earrings so you just wear one. Will you be brave enough to make this statement?

We all know that jewellery can just lift an outfit, even those tracksuit bottoms or your pjs. It can make you feel very much glamorous and put a smile on your face.

So, tell me will you be buying new jewellery to fit into the 2021 trends? I do feel that jewellery is timeless and that every piece you own will look good year after year. However, A new piece of jewellery every now and then always feels nice, I also love that jewellery can be recycled or handed down through the generations, so it is a sustainable gift too, win-win.

Shop sustainable 2021 jewellery trends from my collections here.

Well, I hope you enjoyed having this brief interpretation of the trends for 2021. Don’t wait for lockdown to end before you look into your jewellery box. Open it every morning and add a piece to your outfit (no matter what that is), I promise it will lift your mood!

That is all for this week my friends, if you would like to keep up-to-date with all that happens her at KL jewellery designs then do follow me on IG here and if you would like to subscribe to my newsletter (bottom of page) you will be the first to here about new collections coming out plus any offers.

Until next week, stay safe and keep sparkling.

Katrina xx

Photos credited to Artem Beliaikin, both Unsplash (top two pictures) and Katrina Lucas.


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